City by Night - Pitagorio


When I'm looking at these all photos I want summer and be there again. I want hot days, stunning views of the picturesque harbor, meetings with friends in local taverns and drinking colorful coctails accompanied by greek music and summer breeze. I need it all! Cause it's tiring to sit covered the blanket  from feet to ears for all day long! Isn't it? :D And I would forgot about the most important thing...I'm missing for shopping to late hours at night ;) Poor my Robert, who had to work as camel and have been holding gifts which I've bought :D 

Now I'm afraid of the World, of our travels, of our humanity, of our discovering the REAL World, because huge group of people wants to intimidate us and inscribe us into history which is that bad side of history. Today I'm praying for Paris - to I could back there safely and show the achievements of our civilization to my children...

9 komentarzy :

  1. wakacje... kiedy to było! :D z przyjemnością wracam do nich wspomnieniami i widzę, że Ty też!

  2. jeszcze trochę i znów wakacje :D

  3. To, co wydarzylo sie we Francji - nie moge tego opisac slowami. W glowie sie nie miesci, jak ludzie potrafia byc okrutni dla innych...

    1. Taki mętlik w głowie teraz ma większość z nas... :(

  4. Wow, kocham takie zdjęcia *-*


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